When someone asks me which films and actors are my favourites, I’m a bit hesitant. I like many films, mainly thanks to the actors, but I rarely get to really love a movie or an actor.
But, somehow, this week I answered to the question “who is your favourite actor?” with Johnny Depp. I have always admired him, but I have never said that he is number one. And I got to think about this.
He is a very complex actor. He plays all kinds of crazy characters and he manages to transform himself with every role. He is best known for the roles of Edward Scissorhands, Sweeney Todd or Jack Sparrow. This craziness of his made him so popular and famous. He can be the living proof that you have to be different in order to succeed in your career.
On the other hand, I almost love his role in the film The Tourist (2010), where he played with Angelina Jolie.
This video with him, playing the guitar in a Marilyn Manson concert, surprised me a lot. I knew that he often sings, but that was almost mind blowing.
In the end, a motivational quote important to keep in mind.
Lisa · April 17, 2013 at 12:54 pm
In fraza “I answered to the question” nu e nevoie sa folosesti articolul “to”, il poti scoate pentru ca se subintelege, expresia fixa este fara articol.
Si raspuns pe un forum, daca esti curioasa (fara dovada stiintifica): http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic21733.html
PS: Johnny Depp e si unul din actorii mei preferati 😀 !
gabriela · April 17, 2013 at 8:46 pm
mersi pentru atenționare și link >:D<
personal blog & photo gallery | Scriu în rusă și în engleză! · April 16, 2013 at 1:44 am
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