via Mashable

…and can’t hide it. Even when I say I totally dislike cats, a cute kitten makes my day. Now, I miss like crazy playing with animals, I miss my lovely fluffy bichon I have back at my parents’ home. I didn’t even got the chance to play with my sister’s retriever. I dream to have my own animal-friend at my place, but I hardly take care of my two cacti (or cactuses). Maybe Santa will bring me two little tortoises, who knows.

But until then,I turn back to youtube and watch these sweeties celebrating Christmas:

Și încă unul cu căței și o pisică, care ilustrează exact tipologiile umane din familie, la masa de Crăciun. Chiar dacă te regăsești pe undeva, e imposibil să te deranjeze la cât de cute îs!

via Mashable


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